Thursday, July 31, 2008

Tired today!

I'm tired today... Do you ever feel like your constantly battling? Well I do! I've been feeling like so many good things are happening in the Spirit and my heart is really connecting with the Lord lately. Then bamm I feel like I get knocked down or something (not slain in the spirit either) and it is such a battle to get back up and fight. It's like I'll feel refreshed for a couple of days then I'm wiped out for another day. I just have to trust and lean on Him and not on my own understanding. I think I'll just go to bed early and maybe He will give me a dream or something and I'll feel better. Sorry for a downer just had to process this out loud. Ya'll have any encouraging words?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Answered Prayer!

Today I found myself with a thankful heart! I just relized that I have so much to be thankful for in my life and it is all answered prayer. I had prayed and prayed for a husband that loved the Lord with all his heart and I got him! I prayed that I would be a Mom one day, look at that two children! I prayed we would live in a house, He answered that one! I prayed that some day we would be on days and see the sunlight again, yep He did it! I prayed we would have a new car before baby girl was born, got it! The biggest one is I always dreamed of getting up early and having time with the Lord, just recently He made it happen. He is so good and sees all the desires of my little heart and He answers my cries. Thank you Lord, oh I love you!

Friday, July 25, 2008

To be a child again

Oh to be a child again.... I hear Samuel waking up right now singing La la la da da da. I think about his day and all that we do and start thinking about how it would be if I lived this way with God. To know that someone will scoop me up in the mornings and love on me, to feed me till I'm full, to take me on a walk, let me run around till I'm tired, sleep again, wake up get more hugs and love, snacks and another meal, color, take a bath and more resting. Thinking about this and how it should be with the Lord, as simple as this. He wants us to wake up with Him feel His love and His sweet presence, get full in the spirit with His word, He wants us to go on walks with Him and take in His fresh air, to play with Him until we are tuckered out because He is a joyful God, He wants us to take naps with Him, to continue feeling His love and hugs throughout the day, Have another meal with Him, and then bathe in His love and rest in Him. So I say oh to be a child again but I am a child, child of God! Thank you Lord! It is a new day in Him, be blessed today!

Monday, July 21, 2008


I am just overwhelmed with His goodness these days! I feel like there is so much to say and not much to say. He's just good and kind towards me. I've been feeling His pleasure more and more and it is sooo good for my heart! I've been meditating on Psalm 45, the whole Psalm is amazing. The first verse says My heart is overflowing with a good theme... this is what I feel everyday lately. My heart is overflowing with His goodness and when something happens in my day like a screaming baby that I can't comfort or a toddler throwing tantrums, instead of getting mad I say “Lord let my heart overflow with a good theme right now”. Speaking the scripture out in my daily life and praying it back to Him has been changing my heart and my whole outlook on life. I've been trying to find a way to encounter him throughout my day for a while now and I finally realized it is so easy to just speak scripture over my daily trials and He will show up. You should try it!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Too far gone!

This morning I was listening to a friends CD and one of the lyrics just got me and I had it on repeat for a while. I got a fresh touch of His love and it felt so good. The romancing the intimacy I've been longing for showed up today. Just in one little touch and my heart was ravished. So the chorus is “I'm too far gone to go back from where I came and my heart is set on you.” I couldn't imagine living any other way anymore. I was remembering where I came from, not believing but hoping that there was something out there that would satisfy me that would bring me joy. I remember searching and searching for something. I looked for love in relationships, I tried different ways of making money to see if that would satisfy my heart, nothing worked until He came around-Jesus that is! I'm so thankful that He saved my soul! I've fallen head over heals for Him, He's are all I've ever dreamed of. To love so deeply to feel so deeply. Even in the hard times it is worth it, when I can't feel Him, when the money doesn't come in, when people say stuff about what I'm doing and it all doesn't make any sense. It is still worth the one touch, the one encounter, the one word He whispers that encourages my heart.... oh how I love Him. I'm gonna press on and set my heart on Him. This song also says “I'm holding on to your promises leaning into your word” and I'm realizing it is just that easy! His promises are in His word and all we have do is lean on His word and He's gonna do the rest. Be blessed today y'all!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Hilary Here!

Hello ya'll, so I am blogging for the first time without my editor (Mr. Lacy). So we will see how this goes...
I've been wanting to write for a while because I've been so excited about how God has been showing up in my life lately! Tom is on mornings now so I've been getting up early at 6 when he leaves and let me tell you it has been so great! I wanted to challenge myself to get up and pray in the spirit for an hour. So I've been doing this for almost 2 weeks now. This has changed my whole outlook on life and my days seem to be so much better. It is so good to commune with the Lord first thing in the morning, He helps me wake up. Also I've been able to get in the prayer room more, Tom has been staying home during nap time so I can have sweet time with the Lord. In case you didn't know I have an amazing husband, yep it is true! So with this new schedule as a family and scheduled time with the Lord my heart is alive again, somebody praise Him! I have a new hunger and desire for the Lord and it feels so good! Love ya'll gotta run babies calling my name.
