Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

As I celebrate Mother's Day today, I'm reflecting on my Mom, on all the Mom's who have been there for me spiritually, on all my Mommy friends, and all my friends waiting and praying their day will come soon to be a Mom.

My Mom was here last week visiting and we had a blast!  She flew in on Tuesday and I was in need of a break...  She always seems to come to visit right when I need some Mommy time!  So on Wednesday Tom spent the day with the kids while my Mom and I went out for coffee, shopping and lunch.  It was so good to have some time catching up and some quality time(my love language!).  It was great to see her play with the kids and see them get all excited to be with her.  We went to the zoo, went to a farm, got to swim in the pool at her hotel and lots of other fun things.  Every day was jammed packed and I am so thankful she came, I feel so refreshed!  

Today the kids and I went to church while Tom worked his morning shift at the prayer room.  They honored Mom's today, each child made a flower made out of tissue paper, so cute!  At Trinity's class they were asked what they like most about their Mom and she said I like when she takes me to the park, colors with me and makes me yummy food.  I thought that was so cute!  Tom had the kids each pick a card and gift out for me and he asked them to think of one word that describes me.  Samuel said sweet, Trinity said beautiful and Esther said table.  I thought that was so funny, I guess they like me making them meals!  Tom got me some hanging plants for outside and one indoor plant, the kids got me a candle, earrings and a new water bottle.  I'm not usually huge on gifts but it was really nice to receive the gifts and all the kids words.  My love tank is full!

This scripture describes my day!  Proverbs 31:28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her!

Here's a pic. of us with my Momma.  Bless all you Momma's and Momma's to be!

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