Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Learning to sew & quick update!

So I've been attempting to sew lately and I'm enjoying it so much!  Here's some pic.'s of my practice projects!  I made these aprons for the little ones since they love to help me when I'm baking or cooking.  They each have there first intial of there name on it.  Then I made this nursing cover(not the best pic.) for my dear friend Kathrine who will be having her first baby real soon!  Also made this little onesie for him, well didn't make it just sewed the whale applique on it.  I'm really excited for my next projects like curtains and some pillow covers once I get some fabric.   This has a been a great way for me to be creative and to pray at the same time.  I think this will be my new thing to do during nap time!

Other news, baby boy on the inside is doing good and moving a lot these days.  He feels huge already and I still have 3 months to go : )  My Mom will be here tomorrow, which I am so excited to see her and spend some quality time with her!  Then Tom's Dad and family will be here on Saturday, which will be great to see them as well!  Tom will be going on a ministry trip soon, prayers are appreciated! If anyone would like to come help this prego Mama of 3 under 4yrs. old, that would be a blessing!  

Some more good news is I just found out my Dad and Aunt and Uncle will be visiting the beginning of July, I haven't seen them all in a long time so it will be really good for my heart as well!  We also have some dear friends visiting in July and they might be here when I have the baby.  So I have a lot to look forward to!  I love having visitors and family here with us, makes my heart happy and my kids happy : )

Have a blessed day!

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