Here's the ocean scape card board cut out Tom made! The kids loved it!
And here's the fishy cake! The sand is grahm cracker crumbs, the seaweed is a fruit roll up and I used sweedish fish candies and fruit snacks for the fish.
Here's the birthday boy!
It was a great day, we made him pancakes and eggs and gave him breakfast in bed, opened presents and then did this party for him. He was soooo blessed and still has a cheesy grin on his face. I so enjoy blessing my children! So thankful for this little guy, he has brought so much joy and laughter into my life. Thought some of you out of staters might enjoy this post, love you!
i can't believe how big he has gotten! wow. time sure flies, doesn't it?! he's so cute! and what a fantastic party you and tom made for him! that cutout is super-cute! how creative!!
happy birthday samuel!
:) lora
(ps-hilary, don't forget to enter to win my giveaway! come on over to my blog and enter. tomorrow's the last day to enter )
Hi Lora, thanks so much! I did enter your giveaway,not sure if I did it right but I became a follower and I don't have twitter so didn't do that part. Love reading your blogs! Bless you!
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