Thursday, August 18, 2011

Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord Jude is healed!  We are all home and Jude is recovering well!  Thank you all for your prayers this last week!  I thought I would share what happened with Jude.  It all started last Tuesday out of nowhere. He couldn't keep anything down and was projectile vomiting. I took him to his pediatrician on Thursday and he said it was reflux. By Sunday he was visibly dehydrated so we took him to ER.  He had lost 2 lbs, he was 10.5lbs on Thursday and was below his birth weight by Sunday.  We went to Childrens' Mercy where they did blood tests and a ultrasound on his belly.  They diagnosed him with pyloric stenosis, it is a narrowing of the pylorus, the opening from the stomach to the small intestine.  In pyloric stenosis the muscles in the pylorus are thickened, the thickening prevents the stomach from entering into the small intestine. Pyloric stenosis is more common in boys than girls and runs in families.  My brother actually had this when he was Jude's age.  We are so thankful to finally know what was going on with our boy.  They hooked up to IVs and was getting everything he needed without vomiting for a change.  Yesterday Jude had a small low risk operation called a pyloromyotomy to split the over developed muscles.   He was monitored for 24hrs and released last night!  He is doing really well at home and is back to normal feedings with out vomiting.  We are overwhelmed by all who have stood up and pitched in. And so thankful for your prayers, we definitely felt them lifting us up. So thankful for you all who came over and stayed with the kids and for the ones that brought over food and for the ones that came to visit us in the hospital.  We really felt the love!  So thankful for the Body of Christ and God is good to the Lacys!  Love you all!

1 comment:

african mango said...

Beautiful share. Such a good disciplinary act.