On July 13th at 9:10am Jude Daniel Lacy was born! Jude means praise, Daniel means God is my judge and Lacy means cheerful! So as you know we were waiting and I had a feeling that he was going to come early but of course wasn't sure. He came 9 days early which was a blessing to us! Here's the short story:
I had been having contractions for about a week but nothing too consistent. Then at 3am the contractions woke me up and were 10 minutes apart and pretty painful. So I timed them for an hour and decided to wake up Tom and tell him. He was up and ready to go, we finished getting things ready at the house in between contractions and called our friend that stayed with the kids. Then headed to the hospital around 6am. When we got there my contractions had slowed down and I felt too peaceful I thought maybe it wasn't real labor but it was and it was the Lord bringing me peace. So I was 4cm when I got there which was discouraging but things sped up fast. I was able to walk around and sit on the birthing ball to speed things up. We had the prayer room playing on our computer and it was so peaceful in the room. Everything lined up perfectly, we had the midwife that I prayed for and had amazing nurses too. Tom was super joyful the whole time and encouraging me that I could do it! Then my water broke I think around 8am and the contractions were more painful. Then at 9am they said I was completely dilated and effaced, I pushed 4 pushes about 10 minutes and he was out. It was beautiful I was able to hold him for a long time and nurse and he was just perfect! While I was in labor our friend that was staying with the kids had a dream and in the dream there was an angel in the room with us at the hospital telling me when to push and when we came back from the hospital we were saying there was so much peace. That is just how it was, there was so much peace in the room and we could feel the Lord's presence!Jude has such a sweet spirit, he is nursing well and sleeping well, he is such joy! It was so great to have Tom home to help out so I can rest and so we can enjoy being a family. Also thank you to all who made us a meal that was a huge blessing! It has been a sweet time enjoying our new home and our new baby. I feel like my heart is coming more alive and I am experiencing more of God and more joy in my life.
Our camera is broken and I can't seem to figure out how to download the ones from the Iphone so more pic.'s to come soon but here's the one I could figure out how to post. This is right after I had him, so happy to finally hold my precious gift!
Thanks again to all who have helped and to everyone that has prayed for our family! The kids are adjusting well and there is so much grace right now and I know it is because our dear friends and family are praying! May the Lord bless you all!
sounds amazing!! births like that are awesome!! my last one was similar to that! praise God!!
congratulations on jude!!
Praise God for His angels, and His care for you!
congratulations, hilary! i am so happy for you. your little one is so cute! and you look SO BEAUTIFUL in that photo! wow. you're radiant. what a beautiful mama and son. :)
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