Thursday, September 3, 2009

Moving to KC, MO!

Dear friends and family,

We wanted to let you all know that we are moving back to Kansas City, MO. Here's more info from Tom:

About a week ago ZHOP-Charlotte announced the completion of it's assignment here, in South Carolina. There is still a strong prayer community intact here that will continue to grow and thrive in the grace of God just not under the banner of ZHOP. Whatever ZHOP built in the Spirit will remain, and whatever was born of the flesh will die and needs to die. God says 'well done.' (BBQ term)

Our family (of five now) will be moving in SHORT ORDER back to IHOP-KC to submit to the leadership there and serve as full time staff. We are doing this in one of our WEAKEST SEASONS FINANCIALLY. We believe God would have us transition to KC IN STRENGTH. We are ON A COURSE TO RAISE $7,500.00 to do this comfortably with our children.


#1 Way) We need Your Money
#2 Way) We need Your Prayers for Strength in Transition
#3 Way) No kidding We need your Money
#4 Way) If you reside in KC, you can be on the look out for affordable 3 bedroom homes to rent $750-$1100/mo.
#5 Way) If you reside in a KC home, you can provide an interim place for us to stay while we look for home, or anything you can offer that you know would help us.

Thank you for understanding this point blank and frank email and for prayerfully replying and acting fast.

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